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Toyin Lawani goes ballistic over intellectual theft on John Legend’s outfit

Fashion enterpreneur, Toyin Lawani who is the founder of Tianah’s Place Empire has come after designers who steal intellectual property.

Sharing a photo of ace American singer, John Legend who stepped out in a look alike version of one of the outfits that she made for some Nigerian celebrities, Toyin went on a ranting spree as she would have none of it’

Categorically stating that some designers carry out the offensive act because there are no laws that help creative designers like her. Check out her rant below;

Who’s seeing what I’m seeing, I created this two years ago and a lot of my clients still order it till today , @toyin_abraham still rocked it few days ago, this came from my brain, like I keep saying don’t think people are not watching Nigerians , we always standout, Government yi no ni 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I lead they follow , Whoever did John Legend’s own, tell them they forgot to put belt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 well I didn’t put belt on @iamteddya’s own, I need Nigerians to start realizing we are more appreciated than we think, we are extremely talentented. Atleast 5 of my creations have been remade abroad after years I’ve done it, well same in Nigeria. Those ones na 2seconds self , the thing will now look like failed okirika, forgetting someone’s sleepless nights and sweat went into it, once I’m bigger than Gucci , y’all are free to do copy, But guess what Original will always be original , tebale stop 419 yi sha ni maybe dem go respect Nigerians small 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Nigerians are the ones that downplay themselves,

This was the Main reason I said I will stop
Posting most of my creations ,cause they feel it’s their right to take , Ive been doing this for 20years I hv my Clinet’s , if I don’t post it doesn’t affect me atall, do you know how many big designers in Nigeria that aren’t on social media , if you market is based on only social media , then it’s not a good biz, Referrals goes a long way, do you know how many versions of that suit I’ve made from my brain, in different versions, so cause the other designer is bigger means I didn’t do it ist, one thing I tell my students is this, don’t ever go to Pinterest all your big Nigerian designers go there, use your brain so you can stand out. I don’t approve their work in school once I see it’s been done before , If you Nigerians don’t change your mind set, we won’t go far, sorry you , cause me I’m already outta here .

Tag them if you know them🔥
This is one of the Reason I want to open Tiannahs empire Abroad , you make more money in dollars and you are protected ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We set trends in Nigeria, if people can take my creations and mass produce it in China and put my original picture on the cloth to sell, means the world is watching , pls people abroad start making Nigeria proud stop this shady shit, they don’t respect us abroad , we are all seen as thieves and it closes a lot of doors for some people that aren’t influencial ⭐️

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