Entertainment News

Tonto Dikeh shares new secret with fans

Controversial Nollywood actress and philanthropist, Tonto Dikeh has taken to her Instagram page to dish out new investment secrets with her fans

According to the self acclaimed radical for Christ, people would keep getting the same results because they keep repeating the same investment mistakes

The mother of one mentioned that her fans should quit buying the latest phones and gadgets if they have no existing investment

Upon welcoming her over 5 million followers into the new year, Tonto Dikeh penned down the following investment secrets

“As the new year begins, please be wise and strategic. Nothing is going to change because it’s a new year. Forget about the whole “new year new me” mantra, if you don’t change your ways, you’ll still get the same result.

Here are some nuggets to help you this year. Stop comparing yourself with people and focus on your journey. It’s easy to stay in your corner and feel that the grass is greener at the other side, but the grass is greener where you water it. Focus on your journey, we all have our time. Don’t let people’s success pressurize you into looking for an easy way out. Stop buying the latest phones, bags and material things when you lack investments.

Many young people are caught up in material frivolities that they don’t even realize what matters. iPhone 11 is good, but how the heck do you not have any investment no matter how little bit you’re killing your self over buying an iPhone 11? Don’t try to look rich! Be rich and how do you get rich? By investing wisely! Have friends with benefit! Yes! Evaluate your friendships and kick out people you’re not also benefiting anything from. I’m not saying you should be a leech, but make friendships with the intentions to grow. Friends that only call you to drink and party? But never talk about how to grow mentally, and get better? Cut them off! You don’t need 1000 friends. One real friend is better than 20 casual friends.

Don’t start any relationship with “Let’s see as it goes…” Define any relationship and know what you’re getting into, you can’t waste your time trying to see how it goes. It’s either they want you or not. Finally, put God in everything you do. Remember that everyone won’t like you, everyone won’t help you, everyone won value you, but focus and trust God. Cheers to a better 2020.”

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