Entertainment News

Tinubu has my phone number so I’m voting for him – 9ice declares

Tinubu has my phone number so I'm voting for him - 9ice declares

Singer 9ice has explained why he will be voting for APC’s presidential candidate, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu in the upcoming general elections.

In a recent interview, 9ice disclosed that Tinubu won his heart by asking for his phone number during a gathering. He recalled how among the other performers on stage, Tinubu chose him and requested his phone number.

The singer admitted that he was taken aback by the request given that there were other A-list Nigerian artists. He continued by saying that Jagaban’s request had made him understand how capable a leader he is and how, if elected, he would be to the people.

Actress Bimbo Akintola gives reasons why Tinubu is the best presidential candidate for Nigeria

This is coming after actress Bimbo Akintola also joined the list of celebrities declaring love and support for the presidential aspirant, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

In an interview with TVC ‘Your View’, Bimbo stated that she wouldn’t be bullied into disassociating herself from Tinubu’s campaign party.

Bimbo Akintola boldly stated that she is working for Tinubu, while pointing out his unique qualities which makes him the most suitable.

According to her, Tinubu builds talent and has contributed to the growth of many in the industry, but political and entertainment wise. She noted how he was the one who took care of Moji Olaiya’s bills when she died and how he has helped many in the industry, without knowing them.

Bimbo added that she knows the APC presidential candidate has vision for Nigeria and would uplift the country.

She said,

“I am working for Asiwaju.

Asiwaju builds talent. He finds people who can do things. Look at his cabinet – Fashola, Osinbajo were part of his cabinet and so many others.

He has supported our industry. When we lost Moji Olaiya, he flew her in from overseas and paid for everything.

I know he has a vision for the country. When he comes and we see the people he would work with, we would be excited.

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