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Tboss blasts mothers who take their kids to school looking tattered


Former Big Brother Naija housemate, Tokunbo Idowu better known as TBoss has always kept her fans abreast with her single parenting experiences.

The mother of one in an Instagram post revealed how she felt first day she took her daughter to school and saw how unkempt some mothers who also brought their kids to same school looked.

According to her, she wondered why mothers wouldn’t find spare them to tidy up themselves before leaving home for school runs.

She wrote, “Confession Time:The 1st week I enrolled my child in school I saw a couple of moms come drop off their kids and they were looking seriously disheveled. In my mind I was like- couldn’t you put some effort woman. I mean I make sure to wake up early enough to make Starr’s breakfast, lunch, snack, shower and fix her hair, shower myself, dress up and make sure I smell good then drive her to school.”

TBoss further explained that within a few weeks, she found herself in same position as other mothers that she was criticizing. 

The Reality Show star noted that she wants her story to make people stop judging others, because no one knows what the next person is going through.

“Joker. A couple of weeks down the line and I’m dropping my child off at school looking like a homeless person smelling of all the spices and oil from frying, some perfume yeah but who the heck remembered to fix herself up? Definitely NOT me, because the goal is to get my child to school, possibly not be the last parent to drop off their kid and then I can go home and pass out or shower & get on with my day.

Basically- I look insane just so my child can look good whilst getting an education 🙏🏽

I say this to say- Never, everrrr judge people. You just don’t know what they’re dealing with. A little kindness goes a long way and instead of scrunching up your face – how about you look the other way and just mind your damn business?

Ps: I took my own advice.

Now, be a darling and do the same😉😘

I have enclosed photos of my Daughter’s international Nanny/ Caretaker for your viewing pleasure.”

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