Entertainment News

Syrian fraudsters hack actor Charles Inojie’s verified Instagram account, e-mail

The Instagram account of actor Charles Inojie and his email has been invaded by internet fraudsters.

These individuals who reportedly come from Syria have hacked into his verified Instagram account as well as his email.

The alert was brought to the notice of the public by the actor’s wife who was clearly pissed off by the incident.

On her Instagram page, she shared several posts notifying fans that her hubby’s accounts have been hacked into.

According to her, she and her husband woke up this morning only to find out that his Instagram account had every trace of invasion written all over it.

As if that was not enough, his email address was also changed making it evident that it had also been hacked into. Her announcement took quite a lot by surprise.

When Kemifilaninews contacted The Johnson’s star actor, he said all hope is not lost on recovering the account as he and his team are putting their bests to have his social media privacy back.

It is not yet known what the hackers intend to achieve by gaining dominance of the actor’s online life but the very thought of what they have done scares the couple.

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