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” I don’t have it all together in the 40s as society wants” Susan Peters marks 44th birthday (photos)

Susan Peters marks 44th birthday (photos)

Actress Susan Peters is 44 today and has shared some photos to mark the new age on Instagram.

In one of the posts, Susan Peters wrote “WELCOME TO WORLD’S SUSAN PETERS CAKE DAY 44TH FLOOR.

The greatness God has planned for me in this new year I can’t comprehend, It doesn’t matter how dark it gets at night a bright morning will always follow.

ThankGod we don’t look like what we have been through, God is faithful. LET’S BE KIND TODAY, SO MUCH HATRED IN THE WORLD. SHOW LOVE TO ONE ANOTHER IT’S NOT THAT SERIOUS

My morning has come, Happy birthday to MEEEEEE another trip around the sun”

Susan Peters marks 44th birthday (photos)
Susan Peters marks 44th birthday (photos)
Susan Peters marks 44th birthday (photos)

In another post, Susan Peters wrote “+4. Thank you 40’s, I learned to be wiser, kinder, and more loving to myself. I have also learned that I don’t have to have it all together in the 40s as society wants. Going after my dreams and creating a life for myself that’s mine, I am proud of not following rules, and for fighting battles that do not define my blessings.

Welcome +4, I am sharing this photo because it represents my 40’s chapter and a chapter in my life that I am ready to close. I am thankful to God for the unconditional love, to my family and friends, and my fans all over which is priceless.

I have a special birthday wish, say a prayer and wish me a wonderful new year.


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