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Skitmaker OGB slams non-virgins looking for rich men to marry

Skitmaker OGB non virgins

In a recent development that has stirred considerable debate, SkitMakerOGB, known for his comedic content, faced backlash over a tweet regarding virginity and marital aspirations.

He pointed out the irony of non-virgin women desiring to marry wealthy individuals, contrasting this with the biblical Virgin Mary who married a carpenter, Joseph. This tweet has sparked controversy, especially among women, who criticized it as insensitive and derogatory.

The reaction to SkitMakerOGB’s statement has been largely negative, with many accusing him of making a distasteful joke that demeans women. Critics argue that his comments perpetuate harmful stereotypes and are inappropriate, especially coming from someone in the entertainment industry known for humor.

Simultaneously, the topic of virginity in relationships has been a topic in conversations in recent times thanks to Israel DMW, who publicly addressed issues in his marriage.

He expressed his frustration that his wife, who was a virgin at the time of their marriage, did not necessarily make for a good wife. Israel criticized her for disapproving of his lifestyle, particularly his associations with musical artists, and for not embracing his family responsibilities.

However, the story took a more serious turn when Sheila Courage, Israel’s wife, came forward with her side of the story.

She accused Israel of trolling and insulting her, emphasizing that he often belittled her by reminding her that her only merit was her virginity at marriage. Sheila also accused Israel of physical and emotional abuse, including locking her out of their home if she left without his permission. She described her decision to leave the marriage as a result of accumulated anger and frustrations.

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