Entertainment News

See the pregnant woman rewarded with N1million by Okorocha for taking part in match pass

So Governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha on Tuesday, during the Workers Day Celebration at Heroes Square Owerri, rewarded a civil servant, who despite being heavily pregnant, took part in the match pass with her co-Workers.

The statement issued by the media team reads:

Being pregnant is enough reason for her to seat back at home and excuse herself from the day’s celebration but no, her passion and commitment made her despite her condition of pregnancy came to be part of the celebration, and not just attending as an onlooker but rather participated 100% in a strenuous exercise of the day under the heavy sun which is “Match Pass” and thus GRACE found her.

In astonishment of all the spectators and guest, Owelle singled out the heavily pregnant woman out among many and rewarded her with a “Cash Reward” of 1,000,000 (One Million Naira) which was handed over to her through the Chief of Staff (Ugwumba Uche Nwosu) and His Excellency provided police escort security to escort her home with her money.

Indeed, no one knows when GRACE will found you, do not be fake, truant or a master of eye service as they rightly put it in your place of work and duty, be committed and passionate with whatever that you do irrespective of your present condition. To God be the Glory.

Governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha, also announced during the state civil service that he would be giving automatic promotion for all workers. He also stated he could also approve sleeping allowance for them.

Okorocha announced the automatic promotion in his address at the 2018 Workers’ Day celebration, which held on Tuesday at Heroes Square in Owerri. The automatic promotion is with the exception of those who are newly employed.

Many workers were reported to have stayed away from the event as there was a low turnout.

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