Entertainment News

Relationship expert Joro Olumofin bids beard gang goodbye because of Coronavirus

Joro Olumofin

The fear of Coronavirus has prompted relationship expert Joro Olumofin to shave off his beards. This is coming after WHO advised that men should shave their beards because it can spread the virus.

Well, the love doctor has joined other Nigerians in taking preventive measures to protect himself from contracting the disease. The social media mogul shared a photo of himself at the barbing salon shaving his beards on his Instagram page. He captioned the post, saying he cried before they shaved it.

In his words ” I cried.. They all said beard gang members should shave because of Coronavirus”

According to WHO, facial hair may interfere with the effectiveness of face masks and respirators used to combat the spread of diseases such as coronavirus. Having a beard can interfere with the protection provided by the mask, which works to remove contaminants from the air and covers at least the nose and mouth.

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