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“Thirty fine and at peace” – Precious Chikwendu marks 35th birthday with gratitude

Precious Chikwendu celebrates 35th birthday

Nigerian ex-beauty queen and the ex-wife of former Aviation minister Femi Fani Kayode, Precious Chikwendu is celebrating her 35th birthday today with peace of mind.

Taking to her Instagram page to share new photos, she revealed that on her 30th birthday, she prayed for peace of mind, even though she was sure it would come with price but she knew she would pull through.

She believed in her Maker and since then, it has been a ride and as such, she is thankful to her Maker as well as the beautiful people who held her hand, cried with her and prayed with her through the darkest of nights.

Precious Chikwendu celebrates 35th birthday

She expressed how grateful she is to still feel and give love to everyone but also wise enough to know when to be on guard.

“Thirty Fine and at peace ….
I prayed for peace of mind on my 30th, I knew it would come with a price but how costly or how I would pull through was unknown to me. I was still because I know whom I believe in is able to do exceedingly more than I ask of him . It’s been a ride but this girl with a large heart is grateful for the ride so far, she is thankful for beautiful people who have held her hands, cried with her and prayed with her through the darkest of nights . Grateful to still feel and give love to everyone but wise enough to know when to be on guard. I’ve learned so much for my little head and above all I’m thankful God kept me . All I know is gratitude. Gratitude to God and gratitude to everyone he has used to touch my life via words, deeds or gestures.
I celebrate today because God kept me”.

In another post, she described herself as a victor and more as she noted how God has been so good to her, which she can’t say. She further noted how God has shown her mercy in a million way and she is grateful.

“Happy birthday Precious Chisomaga Sonia Chikwendu of the most high . You are a victor and more !!
God has been good to me , I can’t even say otherwise.
He has shown me mercy in a million ways and I am grateful.
Happy birthday to me”.

Weeks back, Precious celebrated two years of surviving food poisoning and had shared her testimony.

The mother of four stated that all she could think about on her sick bed was how she could send her sons the last things she bought them. Luckily for her, she survived.

She had also recounted her painful labor experience, revealing that she took a picture of her and her triplets thinking she wouldn’t survive.

According to her, she found out that she had horrible blood clot complications after undergoing MRI and this made her give up in life until God saved her.

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