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Portable’s ex manager’s friend call him out for not sending his condolence following death of ex manager

In a recent development, Portable’s former manager’s close friend has taken to Instagram to call out the artist for his insensitivity.

Recall that earlier today, Kemi Filani had reported that Potable’s manager, known as Steliza, had died in a gas leak car crash. It was reported that she had passed away this Sunday morning while returning from a night club.

Following the painful news of her demise, Potable took to his Instagram live to rejoice over her death. While dancing, he even expressed proudly that he has collected his glory back.

He went on to express that anybody that said he would not use his glory, the person would die and enter the ground, hinting at his ex-manager, Stella, being the person that collected his glory. His ex-manager, Stella’s friend, called him out on Instagram.

She revealed that even though the girl was his ex-manager and that he had heard early in the morning that she had died, he had not shown any condolences at all.

She went on to state that some people had confirmed that he had drove along the mortuary that she was in, yet he had not stopped to sympathize with the family.

She also hinted at the fact that he is happy that his ex-manager is dead, while slamming him for having a tumor in his brain. In her words, this is what she had to say,

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