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‘Play with your ugly African children, Justin will never accept you’ – Korra Obidi shares hateful message from racist

Nigerian dancer and entertainment, Korra Obidi who some time ago reflected on the dark times in her life, has taken to Instastories to share the very hateful message she got from an angry racist.

Korra Obidi who shared the message and ask her fans if they still want to be famous said she gets such nasty messages daily from racists.

In the message, the racist who referred to Korra as a ‘black whore’ and her children as ‘ugly africans’ accused her of trying to win her estranged husband, Justin Dean back with ‘fashion’ but that he has realised that she is not his type.

Talking about her children, the racist accused her of putting her ‘dirty fat baby’ on a diet so that she can look like her father.

The racist went on to further cuss her out with several abusive words, describing her ‘a black dog whose ass sinks from the men she has slept with’.

Read the message

Kemi Filani news recalls Korra Obidi shocked many when she revealed her relationship status four months after been separated from her foreign husband, Justin Dean.

The couple who got married in 2017 split after four years of marriage and two kids.

Justin Dean had filed for divorce barely a month after they welcomed their second child, Athena Dean who was born in February.

While taking part in a TikTok game, Korra Obidi revealed that she had gone back into the dating world.

Shockingly, Korra Obidi disclosed that she was dating her ex-boyfriend.

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