Entertainment News

Otedola Bridge’s Tanker Explosion: God Told Me About It Two Days Before It Happened —Actress

Nollywood actress, Habibat Jinad has hinted that God revealed to her the gory events taking place in Nigeria lately, including her colleague, Yetunde Akilapa’s alleged theft case, the Lagos fire accident which occurred on June 28, 2018 among others.

The actress said this in a statement she posted on her social media handle.
She wrote: “When the father of my son was about to die,God you showed me twice and I delivered the message to him and his family, you also revealed to me this current issues in Nigeria but I don’t know how to say it… You’ve always been talking to me in my dream… 2 days ago, you also showed me an actress that might be in trouble soon but I still don’t know how to tell her because she might take it up…. God, I know you want me to work for you, please give me the understanding of your messages and the courage to deliver it to your people. Forgive all my sins and give me the heart to serve you right. God forgive those who died in all these crisis,may their souls rest in peace. Amen!?????. #ibegyoulord.” (sic)

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