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“Once you break in, it’s easy to mess with me” Basket Mouth on why he doesn’t let anyone in

In a recent interview with actress Mercy Johnson, comedian Basket Mouth has spilled some information on his closely-guarded personality.

During the interview, Mercy Johnson had asked Basket Mouth why he was seen as somebody that was inaccessible to most people. She further expressed that even when she had worked together with him on a particular brand, he was always extremely careful around people. She revealed how most people were scared of offending him.

Basket Mouth’s response to this was that one of the major reasons why people think that way is because of the false walls that he has to put in place. He also stated that he had too much inside him and he always guards himself well and is very protective of the energy that he allows.

He revealed that all of his workers, including his managers, his lawyers, and his logistics manager, had been with him for over a decade and that he would love to keep it that way.

In his words, this is all he had to say.

“Yeah, I think the reason they think that way is because all those things they see, most of it, it’s all false walls. I have too much within me, and I guard myself as much as I can. Because once you break in, it’s easy to mess with me. Once you break in to that circle, taking me down is not hard.

Do you understand?

They will definitely know that weakness. So I build a guard around myself. I know you’ve seen me. I just come in, do my work, and I leave. I’m not stressed. I don’t want to make new friends to be honest. And it’s my life, it’s my choice. I think it’s too late. Most of my friends, if you meet them, I’ve known them for years.

My manager, I’ve known him for 33 years and that is the only person I can trust to manage me. He has access to everything. My lawyer I’ve known for 30 years. My talent manager I’ve known for 33 years.

My logistics manager, 33 years.

So everybody around me – 15, 18, 19 years [of knowing them]. I only employ people that I know, I trust, because they have access to me. The way I am, it has worked for me, and it has worked for me for the past 25 

And since it works, it’s not broken, why do you want to fix it? So that’s why people have the illusion that they have. I soft o! I soft like babe [laughs]. People don’t know.”

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