Entertainment News

“God knew I needed a caring person in my life and sent you” Omoni Oboli sweetly celebrates son as he turns 20

Omoni Oboli celebrates son's 20th birthday

Nollywood actress, Omoni Oboli is celebrating her son, Gozi Oboli as he turns 20 today.

Taking to her Instagram page, the mum of three questioned how time flew so fast before her eyes.

She noted how she asked God for a caring person, and He gave her Gozi Oboli.

Praising him for being the most caring person she knows and for his creativity, she rained power prayers on him.

“My baby is 20 y’all!!
Where did all the time go?
Happy birthday to my amazing son @gozioboli.
God knew I was going to need a caring, compassionate, and all-round great human in my life, so He sent me you! The most caring person I know.
Ma the lines continue to fall for you in pleasant places. May your creativity never run dry and as you take new territories, may you always be protected from evil and remain the good person you’ve always been!
Love you more than life itself Gozi….. Don’t ever forget that!”.

Omoni Oboli celebrates son's 20th birthday

Omoni Oboli shares video of her son struggling to speak pidgin

In celebration of Children’s Day in May, Omoni Oboli shared a video of her son trying to speak pidgin.

In the hilarious video, Omoni Oboli’s first son, Gozi Oboli, was cooking when the actress asked him to say ‘We are going to party’ in pidgin.

Her son, who didn’t know how to speak in pidgin, asked her to guide him through as he didn’t how to go about it.

Sharing the video online, Omoni lamented over how none of her sons are good at speaking English.

She, however, vowed to start giving them pidgin lessons.

“Happy Children’s Day to all of us cos we are all God’s children. I read and write in pidgin English so I feel bad right now that @gozioboli is struggling with pidgin. Azin my pidgin is soooo good. I wrote all my movie scripts (the pidgin ones like Wives On Strike, The First Lady, and co) I’m pidgin. I need to start pidgin lessons in my house”.

“I can buy a house with the yearly food bill I spend on my sons” Omoni Oboli cries out

Months back, Omoni Oboli had cried out for help over the exorbitant amount of money she uses to feed her sons yearly.

Taking to the micro-blogging platform, Omoni lamented over her sons’ ploy to eat her out of her house and money.

The mother of three revealed that she could use the money she use in feeding her sons yearly to buy a house.

Questioning the parents of boys, Omoni wondered if they are also facing similar situations.

She tweeted, “Help!!!! The boys want to eat me out of house and home! Is this how much money people with sons spend on food!!!! I swear I can buy a house with my yearly food bill”.

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