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Beauty Queen, Nneze Richards slams Rihanna for wearing Pope’s mitre to MET Gala

A beauty queen and chartered accountant, Nneze Richards has slammed US singer Rihanna and other celebrities for their choice of outfit to the 2018 MET Gala. Rihanna showed up for the event looking queenly in a hat that looks no different from the Catholic Pope’s mitre.

Reacting to the outfit, Nneze Richards who is a staunch Catholic according to her Instagram profile wrote:

Rihanna, I like u a lot… but to wear the pope;s head piece ”papal mitre” is such a disrespect to the Catholic religion. What a disgrace. Mocking religion to create controversy and bring the public’s attention. As if religion is a joke…

I’m so disappointed @metmuseum for allowing a mockery of the Catholic faith. Try using another religion for fashion statement. Something like an Islam theme e.g met Muslim bodies. Of course they wouldn’t dare cause I bet there will be an uproar right away and that your met museum will be a history. But they chose Catholic theme because they won’t make a major fuss about it.

Beauty Queen, Nneze Richards slams Rihanna for wearing Pope’s mitre to MET Gala  Beauty Queen, Nneze Richards slams Rihanna for wearing Pope’s mitre to MET Gala

Someone will soon come and say my believe should be in God and not the pope but surely this is deeply offensive and lack of respect. 

She’s normally incredible but this is awkward and awfully horrible!!

I feel people are liking it because it is Rihanna. This is NOT OKAY, Catholic iconography is not a fashion trend. Don’t come for my pope.

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