Entertainment News

Nancy Isime finally opens up on what she is looking for in a man

Actress and media personality, Nancy Isime who celebrated her 30th birthday recently has opened up on what she wants in a man.

In her words, she is single and wants a man who is hard working, focused  and making efforts to put his life together.

“I’m currently single, obviously not married. My dream man is someone on the same page as me both spiritually and morally. I don’t mean the same in my career path. He is hard working, focused and making efforts to put his life together. He also has to be a good person”, she told Thisday.

When asked about what her typical day looks like, she said:” A typical day for me is: wake up, meditate, pray , workout, go to work, whatever work that is for the day: either hosting or acting; do some executive/producer work on my show, the Nancy Isime Show which is coming soon by the way. Then return home, meditate some more, get on my phone and get the day’s work over with, then sleep”

Isime stated that the industry is growing, adding that more talents are rising.

“Fantastic. I mean the industry is growing every day. I mean people from the outside are coming to us. Before, it used to be us going to them. Packing our stuff and going to ‘fetch the Hollywood dream’… More talents are rising every day and people are excited for that. I can only be curious about what happens in fifty years”.

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