Entertainment News

My mother drew her last breathe while in my arms – Actress Chioma Chukwuka

Nollywood actress, Chioma Chukwuka has written an emotional note in remembrance of her late mother who died five years ago. The actress spoke of how her mother drew her last breathe while in her arms in 2013, and also how it left her heart shattered.

Chioma Chukwuka wrote:

”Nothing prepared me for this day. I never thought it would happen the way it did.
A few minutes passed 11am on Wednesday the 22nd day of May 2013, she drew her last breath…in my arms!
My heart was shattered in several pieces and has remained the same till date. She was everything to me and more. My mother who sat and watched and prayed.
Mma it is 5 years today and I am still in shock, though not as visible as that day but I still feel it is unreal. I will never have the right words to say how and what I feel and may never be able to express how much my heart yearns to have you back BUT I take solace in the ‘Knowing’ that you are at peace and happy where you are!
Memories of you remain fresh in my heart and I guess that is why my pain ease slowly. The scar remains !
I miss you Ugomba and what hurts the most is that I never celebrated you as much as I had always dreamed to.
Ugomba. Ochili-ozua. Dimpa Asaa. Egoyibo. Dike Na Nwanyi. Nwanyi Maramma. Nwanyi Ka nwoke Ike. Odowu Nwanyi.
Rest on Ugomba Nwanyioma!

5YearsGone #5YearsToday #GoneButNotForgotten #AlwaysInMyHeart #Mother #MyLove #MyHeartBea.”

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