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Watch adorable moment Wizkid babymama & family prayed for him before waking up on his birthday (video)

adorable moment Wizkid babymama & family prayed for him before waking up on his birthday

It’s the 31st birthday of one of the most globally known Nigerian music artists of all time, Wizkid and the majority of his fans have taken to social media to heap praises and wish him well.

Its no longer news, that Wizkid has for some time been living in Ghana with his third baby mama, Jada P and her family and now it’s glaring that he has been living amidst the ones who love him.

According to the video posted on the Instagram story of Jada P’s mum it shown how they all gathered at the doorstep of a room which might be Wizkid’s room to pray for him.

They all gathered their palms on the room door and started praying, a prayer which was lead by Jada P as her voice could be heard clearly.

The video was captured on the Instagram story of Jada P’s mum account that has the user ID @missjacks_p.

You can watch video below:

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