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Mercy Aigbe narrates why she felt Sola Sobowale wanted to kill her acting career

Mercy Aigbe talks about how Sola Sobowale almost killed her career

Beautiful single mum of two, Mercy Aigbe has confessed that she admires Liz Benson and Sola Sobowale alot. According to the fashionable role interpreter, Liz Benson and Sola Sobowale are her favourite.

She said, “Coming into the industry, there were two people I admired a lot. Liz Benson and Sola Sobowale. Liz Benson was just so beautiful and she still is. I absolutely loved her back then. I also loved the way Sola Sobowale interpreted her roles.”

Narrating her first encounter with Sobowale, the 42 year old said;

“Before I got into the industry, I admired Sola Sobowale because she knows her onions. One day, I got a call to come on set for a movie titled, ‘Ohun Oko So Mi Da’. “The movie was produced by Aunty Sola and I was shivering when I got to the set. I asked myself, ‘Would I be able to act in the presence of my role model?

I went to a corner and prayed to God and told myself, this is my opportunity. I shouldn’t allow Aunty Sola overshadow me. I should let my star shine. Unfortunately for me, in that particular scene, I wasn’t meant to talk at all. I acted the role of her husband’s secretary and was dating her husband. She came to my character’s house to warn her. I was not supposed to say anything but I thought that as an up-and-coming actress, she would just kill my ‘star’ if I didn’t say anything. Guess what I did… I gave myself lines.

As she was ranting, I was reacting to her rants. When she held me, I put my hands inside her brassiere. She just told the director to end the scene at that point, asking where they found ‘this kind of girl.”

“She inspires me whenever I see her on a movie set.” She added

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Olayinka

    May 3, 2020 at 2:12 am

    No matter what in this life just believed in your self i love your acting mercy

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