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May Edochie touches hearts as she gives back to the society (Video)

May Edochie

Brand influencer and wife of actor Yul Edochie, May Edochie recently clocked a new age and celebrated the birthday in a unique way.

The mum of four has been through a tough time this year following her husband’s marriage to colleague.

In celebration of her big day, May Edochie gave out to charity.

The light-skinned beauty had revealed her desire to give back to the society weeks back and had solicited funds from the public.

Actress Anita Joseph, Uche Nnanna and others had helped in soliciting for funds from the public.

Proving to be a queen, rather than throw party for her birthday, May Edochie gave back to the community through her foundation, May’s Oasis Foundation.

This thoughtful acts has won praises from many.

Earlier on, May Yul Edochie adopted a new title as she celebrated her birthday in grand style.

The ever gracious and beautiful wife had allowed nothing weighed her down despite her husband’s second marriage.

Taking to Instagram to mark her birthday, May shared several dazzling photos of herself.

The mother of four still retained her husband’s surname as she described herself as May Yul Edochie.

May Edochie took the ‘Queenship’ title as she called herself a ‘Queen’.

There is no denying that she is a true queen as her elegance and grace is worth studying.

“Behold your Queen with beauty enrobed. My name is Queen May Yul Edochie and today is my birthday.

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