Entertainment News

“Many of you don’t even know what your boyfriend does for a living” BBN’s Tochi

Big Brother Niger’s controversial personality, Tochukwu, has added his voice to the recent tragic incident involving the death of Justina, a Port Harcourt student.

Tochukwu made a striking statement, suggesting that many people, particularly women, may not be fully aware of their boyfriend’s source of income. He pointed out that, for many women, as long as their boyfriends are providing them with money and spoiling them, they often don’t inquire about the means through which their partners make their money. Tochukwu emphasized the seriousness of this issue.

This statement follows the alarming case of Justina’s demise, which unfolded when her boyfriend was discovered trying to dispose of her dismembered body parts. He was subsequently apprehended by security officials and is now in custody. There have been various speculations, including the belief that he intended to use her body parts for ritual purposes.

The controversy deepened when Very Darkman, a provocative activist and media personality, made headlines with his remarks. Very Darkman expressed a startling lack of sympathy for the deceased girl and did not condemn the boyfriend’s actions. He suggested that societal pressures to attain wealth through any means may have driven the boyfriend to commit this heinous act. Very Darkman spoke out on the societal tendency to stigmatize and shame individuals, particularly men, who are perceived as poor or unsuccessful.

Moreover, Very Darkman also argued that society often encourages women to depend on men rather than pursue their own financial independence, which might have influenced Justina’s reliance on her boyfriend.

Very Darkman’s controversial remarks provoked a storm of criticism. In response to this, Tochukwu decided to weigh in with his perspective. He echoed the sentiment that many girls may not be aware of how their boyfriends generate income, aligning with the broader discussion surrounding this tragic event.

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