Entertainment News

Man divorces mum to marry daughter

In what appears to be a shocking viral incident, a man reportedly divorced his wife to marry her daughter

A US based Nigerian Twitter user who asked for people’s reaction to getting to know that their spouse dated a family member, had written;

If a week to your wedding you find out your partner had dated one of your family 5yrs ago, what would you do?

Though the reason(s) behind the question is currently unknown, the reaction of an online user seems to have caught the attention of many.

Reacting to the tweet, the lady who married her step father who once dated her sister stated that her family is cool with her marriage.

She wrote;

My step father dated my sister, this lead to his divorce with my mom, and today we(i and my step father) are happily married.. so yes, you shouldn’t let such stop you. Yes I’m African

Of course the whole family is cool with it, my mom stayed for 3 months after i had my first child and my sister still visits, love sees beyond little things like “past” which no one can change. Why him? He is a good man, so why not him

Y’all frown so much at this but are cool with Adam and Eve or should i say Noah kids, please it’s my life and my choice. Society shouldn’t lay rules for you. My Husband didn’t cheat on my mom, she only broke up with him cos he once dated my sister. We past that now

Within minutes, another reaction to the question read;

I just found out my transgender partner had an affair with my mom, which lead to my sister’s broken home cause they were married as at that time.(before surgery) but that won’t stop our wedding taking place next week. Cause that the past and at a point we all have to move on

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