Entertainment News

Lottery winner shows up in a mask to claim her $180 Million prize (Photos)

A female Lottery winner, N.Gray reportedly won a whopping sum of $180,900,000 in Jamaican dollars in a
May 11 Super Lotto jackpot drawing.

Upon being asked to claim her prize, she showed up with a concealed identity, wearing a smiley as a mask.

Her reason for the hidden identity is owing to the violent crimes in Jamaica, leading her to show up at a press briefing organised by Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) in New Kingston, where she was presented with the cheque.

After receipt of the cheque, she had this to say;
“I am elated because I was drowning in debt,” she told The Gleaner. “I started buying Super Lotto in January… Now [that] I’ve won, I want to clear my debt, invest and I want to do some traveling. I would like to construct a community center for the youths in my community, so they can engage in something productive; somewhere where they can do information technology.”

Check out the photos

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