Entertainment News

Lagos Tanker Explosion: 3-yr-old boy declared missing

A three year old boy has been declared missing after yesterday’s Lagos tanker explosion. The tanker explosion which occurred along Otedola bridge/ Lagos-Ibadan Expressway reportedly left 9 dead and many others injured

A victim of the unfortunate incident has cried out saying that the boy, identified as Eyitayo was with the driver, his mother and his twin sister. Upon realization of what had transpired, they all took to their heels to escape the fire, with the mother carrying Eyitayo’s twin, while the driver assisted her in carrying Eyitayo

Up until the time of this reports, the whereabouts of the said driver as well as the three year old boy cannot be ascertained

The poster shared a photo of the boy and captioned a message on how to contact them if found;

The boy in this picture is a three year old named Eyitayo. He was involved in the unfortunate tanker accident with his Mother, twin sister and the Driver at Otedola bridge yesterday evening. They were a few cars away from the tanker when the explosion occurred. The Driver (Mr. Joseph) carried Eyitayo while the mother escaped with Eyitoke(Eyitayos Twin). The where about of Eyitayo and Mr. Joseph is still unknown as all attempts to trace them at the scene of the accident proved abortive. Anyone with information should pls call 08033148161 or approach nearest police station.

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