Entertainment News

Lady slams Sugar Daddy one year after his death

An Instagram user identified simply as Demanda has taken to social media to slam her sugar daddy over their “toxic relationship”.



Publicly wishing that she never met him, the aggrieved lady slammed her Sugar Daddy further as she painfully revealed that she was having an affair with a guy she introduced to her late benefactor as a gay bodyguard.

Read the post below;

Exactly one year ago, my sugar daddy Brad passed away. He was 47 and died because of a heart attack and untreated diabetes. We had an incredibly toxic relationship and ultimately I wish I never met him. As horrible as he was, I am sitting here and trying to dig up a good memory to remember him on this day.

So here it is: Brad, you bought me my first pair of Louboutins, my first Birkin and my first and only race horse ? You understood the value of my time and for that, I honor you with my time today by making this post for you. I still don’t forgive you for taking me out of the will after you attacked me while you were on whippets.

However, you knew I would always be okay and yes….I’ve been living a double life this whole time with the guy you thought was my gay bodyguard and I’m also an author and serial entrepreneur. So, let’s call it even. I will finally visit you one of these days. Rest In Peace. PS please don’t haunt me again. -Demanda

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