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“I massage my wife’s ego because some women want to be the head of homes” Actor Junior Pope

Junior Pope

Nollywood actor, Junior Pope has revealed how he helps curb his wife’s ego, to prevent her from heading the home.

In an interview with Saturday Beats, the actor noted how some women want to take the position of the head of the home.

To prevent his wife from following in their footsteps, he revealed that he often times massage her ego and make her understand that her position is to be the neck of the family.

He said, “Some women want to take the position of the head of the home. Sometimes, they just want to be heard. I try as much as possible to massage my wife’s ego, and make her understand that she is the neck of the family. The position of a man cannot be taken away from him because it was given by God.

Junior Pope, noted how many things has changed in marriage, as women are no longer limited to the kitchen. He added that some women no longer cook and their husbands are okay with it.

He disclosed that he carries his wife along in every of his plans and that all the cars he has was selected by his wife.

“Almost all the cars I have, my wife chose the colour. The woman has to be carried along. That is how issues in a home can be solved. Ladies are now well exposed, and their place is no longer in the kitchen. In fact, these days, some women no longer cook and some men are okay with it. The way to a man’s heart is no longer the stomach (laughs).” he said.

The actor also shared the view that a man should be blamed if his home crashes.

Junior Pope shares secrets of his marriage

Kemi Filani news recalls that on his 7th wedding anniversary, Junior Pope had revealed the secrets to a successful marriage.

The actor took to his Instagram page to share lovely family photos adorned in stunning outfits and another in their cultural outfits.

Recounting the experiences of his marriage, Junior Pope, without mixing words, said it’s not for two people who are raised differently with different backgrounds and orientations to live under the same roof.

According to the actor, God’s grace has kept his family because, at some point, patience will be exhausted, understanding will cry for help, but God’s grace keeps them going.

Junior Pope also expressed appreciation to God for keeping his family together and his wife for agreeing to marry him.

He wrote: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US. If I Tell You Say E Easy Na Set Up. For Two Persons Raised In Different Backgrounds , Different Orientations etc To Live Under Same Roof For So Many Years Is Only By The GRACE Of God Because At Some Point Patience Will Be Exhausted.

Understanding Will Cry For Help But The GRACE Of God Just Keeps Us Going……. And As Such , Today We Give God All The Glory, We Appreciate Him For All He Has Done In Our Lives From The Day We Both Said “ I DO” On His Alter . Thank You @dopeevents007 @qutejay For Accepting To Marry This Stubborn Boy. Happy Anniversary To Us”.

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