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‘I’ve been suffering from Diabetes since I was 10’ – Monalisa Stephen tells her Truth

Nollywood actress and body positivity advocate, Monalisa Stephen who seems to be depressed a few days ago has revealed how she had been battling Diabetes since she was a child.

The TV star who had said she prefers to date older men via her Instagram page, revealed that she’s recuperating gradually and has also been dealing with trolls who drop a lot of negative comments on her social media pages.

She told the Truth about her struggles, Ms Stephen wrote: “Over the week there have been wrong misconceptions/Talks and I would have ignored but I owe it to my family and friends and women who actually look up to me to tell “MY TRUTH. 

What happened to me have got nothing to do with “ BODY POSITIVITY “ it’s Farrr from it . 

Have had my own share of the struggle/suffering( I came from Nothing) so I work really hard to get here and I will work harder. Over the years I have grown a thick Skin. When trolls come for me sometimes I am thinking of my next meal or my next content . Sometimes I am struggling with how not to go completely blind due to complications from Diabetes which I had since I was 10 years old. Then some other stuff and TInnitus .(you don’t want to have that trust me )But I understand people just wanna troll you without not thinking what you may be going thru. I was suicidal due to this ugly incident but I am not Depressed. 

I was just unfortunate to meet Evil and I am glad that I am healing.”

It would be recalled that the plus-sized model had hinted in her message that she was “tired of being betrayed because she trusts too much”.

She also revealed that she was ready to “quit”.

Many who saw her post are worried about the actress and they have been calling on her friends and those close to her to check up on her.

In the message, she wrote “This moment before my departure. I feel more clarity than I ever felt. Finally, I will be free, I will be free from all the voices, from the pain and you.

“I can’t stand the betrayal, I trust too much and too quickly. This is not what I want, but I can’t help it. I am just too weak and so I quit.”

A few hours after posting the message, Monalisa’s management posted a statement claiming that it was written in one of her “down moments”.

The statement also said that Estolafrica would be in charge of her affairs till they decide she is sound enough to return to the social scene.

This development is coming a few months after the actress revealed that she has been a victim of bully all her life even from her secondary school days.

She stated that she was often body-shamed as she was the only fat girl in her class. The challenge made her start the “Love yourself Movement,” which is meant to help people like her appreciate who they are.

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