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‘How I started having sex at 16 and got married at 18’ – Relationship blogger, Blessing Okoro

blogger, Blessing Okoro having sex at 16

Controversial relationship blogger, Blessing Okoro seems to have bounced back after the embarrassing house theft drama she had with one ‘Onye Eze na China’.

Recall that Ms. Okoro had a  ‘New House’ stunt, but was later called out for claiming to own a house that doesnt belong to her.

However, in a fresh interview with Daddy Freeze, she spoke about her early beginnings, how she started dating and met her husband when she was 14.

In her words; ‘I started dating when I was 14, the guy i was dating turned out to be my husband who i got married to when I was 18. He was 10-years older than me’.

When asked if they were having sex at that time, she said, ‘yes we were. I loved him’.
You know when we say I was 14, we were under ages, but we were exposed. Back then i used to lie about my age too because I was exposed and looked bigger than my age.

So we dated and got married even though my parents didn’t want the marriage because they felt I was still very young.

In the course of the interview with the OAP, Blessing also revealed that she’s now in a relationship but didn’t reveal further details.

Relationship blogger, Blessing Okoro
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