Entertainment News

How a lady lost a job even before interview

Nigerian motivational speaker, Abiodun Atobatele has revealed how a lady lost a job even before interview. According to the coach, the lady was reffered to him by a known contac but blew her chance of being employed in any establishment even before getting to the interview stage

With the ever blazing rate of unemployment in Nigeria, one is left awed by the level of carelessness procured by the job applicant

In a bid to get the details of the information necessary for her to arrive at the venue of the interview, the female applicant identified as Jennifer communicated with the coach via a whatsapp chat.

To further aggreviate te man, the mode of texting was very inappropriate as she chose to chat in “Short forms”. Mr Atobatele who made the revelation earlier today displayed a view of the chat that depicted the annoying abbreviations

It is needless to say that the lady was blocked from his whats app page and she lost the job

See photo of the chat here;

As expected, Instagram users have taken to air their reactions on the said chat.

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