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Here are 6 things we secretly miss about ex-President Muhammadu Buhari

6 Reasons why we secretly miss ex-President Muhammadu Buhari.

It’s been a hot minute, sorry, nine months since Muhammadu Buhari stepped down as the President, and like it or not, there are a few things we miss about him.

1 Ex-President Buhari’s statement about women belonging to ‘za other room’: The former President had feminists pulling out their hair when he implied that women belong in the kitchen and the bedroom. He made this statement on live television, and we must say, it takes a lot of guts to say something like that in our modern-day society.

2 Tourism over the Aso Villa: One thing the ex-President was surely good at was traveling, and the Presidential jet must have taken a huge gulp of relieved air when he stepped down. Muhammadu Buhari took the Presidential visits seriously, and hardly declined an invite to any country that extended a visitation permit. It was almost as if he only worked remotely as President, and not from his official residence at the Aso Villa.

3 From top to bottom: The ex-President got carried away during a speech and gave his citizens the speech hook of a lifetime. In the throes of excitement, he screamed into the mic ‘Nigeria!! From top to bottom’. While it may have been shocking to hear that from a President of a country, Nigerians being the happy people they were, turned the statement into a comic relief, by spinning the statement into a song that trended throughout his regime.

4 The infamous Presidential smirk: Whether the country was burning or not, be rest assured that the President would have a smirk in place before he started a statement. Whether the events of the 2020 in Lagos were funny or not, when the President was interviewed about it, he gave a coy smile that had the blood of many Nigerians at a boiling point.

Ex-President Muhammadu Buhari smiling.

5 A confident King we hail: In 2019, when he was asked if he would congratulate the winner of the Presidential elections that was held that year, he gave another smirk and said he would congratulate himself because he was the winner. This was said even before the results of the ballot boxes in various states were compiled. Now if this isn’t the peak of self-confidence, then what else is?

6 Jinxing the Super Eagles: If there was ever a superstitious lot to exist, then it would be Nigerians, and the ex-president ‘played’ right into their hands. Right before the match between the Super Eagles and Tunisia, the ex-President called them via video conference to wish them good luck, and ninety minutes later, they lost the match. Nigerians were beyond themselves in anger, and who else to blame but a President who created mixed feelings among his subjects? They claimed that it was the President who jinxed the match. Do you believe that theory to be true?

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