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Drama! Mimi Orjiekwe calls out Bold Pinky over Instagram post

Nollywood actress, Mimi Orjiekwe and controversial social media star, Bold Pinky are clashing on Instagram over a post.

The drama all started yesterday, Sunday, August 19, when Bold Pinky who is well known was slamming celebrities posted an image of Mimi on private jet cruise with a table.

See the post below…

This obviously didn’t go down well with Mimi who got irritated and called her out.
See Mimi’s reaction below…

Post and delete @bold_pink Bitch you wanna use me to trend .. I will help you.. first of all how did u drag your fat self to my page???I’m pretty sure Mum didn’t teach you if you have nothing to say don’t say anything at all.. secondly you need to resume work out or stop eating too much.. or go for a Lipo.. you must be presentable if you wanna be noticed ..in my village we call your type Aribo .. you see that table  is someone’s  business @craftsmanfurnitureng ….. in your next 30 years you won’t get close to where I’m headed .. you’re lucky I’m busy today.. Get busy too Ugly Betty … I’m living my best life .. Period .. you should try that sometimes .. now sharaapppp 🐸  “

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