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Ghanaian rapper reveals why he walks around with a condom in his pocket

d cryme

Ghanaian rapper, Kwasi Agyekum, popularly known in showbiz as D Cryme, has revealed that he always walk around with condoms in his pocket.

According to him, caarying condoms around helps in crucial times when there is need to protect one’s self from unwanted pregnancies and diseases.

“I always walk around with condoms, condoms are like handkerchiefs. [If] you don’t even get to use them, you lend them out.”

When asked about how true the reports that he prefers dating older women is, he refuted such claims and stated that he laughs over them when he sees or hears such stories.

“I just laugh about it whenever I hear or read stories of that nature.”

Asked about the number of children he has, he said:

“I have children, one is singular, two, three, four, is plural…and so on therefore I just want to maintain the fact that I have children. I like it that way but I don’t have up to eight kids as being speculated.”

d cryme

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