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Chris okotie reveals stand on third marriage after previously failed ones

Chris okotie and ex wife

Founder of Household of God Church in Lagos Rev Chris Okotie has now disclosed his stand on a third marriage after two previously failed ones.

Kemi FIlani recalls that Chris Okotie was first married to Tina, but their marriage ended in 2001, and then he went on to marry Stephanie Henshaw in 2008, however, the union ended in 2012.

Now speaking in a chat with BBC, the 64-year-old Clergy, Chris Okotie, disclosed that he is not interested in getting married for the third time.

Okotie told BBC Pidgin that God called him to be celibate like the biblical Apostle Paul but he did not understand until he grew older.

“I’m not getting married again,” he answered when asked if there was any chance he would have another wife.

“I’m not getting married again because Jesus has already told me that one has ended. When I was saved, when I became born again, I was in the university at the time I did not understand the will of God for my life. I always said I wanted my own family and all that and I went and did what I wanted,” he said.

Okotie has proposed the idea of an interim government in Nigeria which he would head. According to him, Nigeria might not survive another general election.

Pastor, Chris Okotie

Kemi FIlani recalls that Chris Okotie recently told the presidential candidates of the leading political parties for next year’s election to step down for him.

Okotie, speaking during his last birthday celebration weeks ago, asked Buhari to hand over to him as interim president in 2023.

According to him, we are blessed as a nation with all human and natural resources yet we are not moving forward. Through my government, everything will be alright.

“I want to appeal to all presidential candidates to withdraw from the race and allow me to come in as the interim president. I want to implore Asiwaju (Bola Tinubu) to support my government for the betterment of the country and I also want to tell (Peter) Obi that the system that introduced him cannot take him anywhere, because he cannot operate in the system we have now. All the presidential candidates should support me to succeed President (Muhammadu) Buhari as the interim president.

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