Entertainment News

Celebrities fighting on social media is fun, it keeps us entertained – Olive Utalor

Fast-rising actress, Olive Isioma Utalor has clearly stated that marriage tops her to-do list for the year 2022.

In a recent interview, the History and International Relations graduate of Ebonyi State University also took a swipe at her fellow colleagues who always fight dirty on social media.

Olive Utalor said: “Definitely marriage is part of my plans for 2022. My expectations from any man who wants to settle down with me is just love. Everything we need is embedded in love. Love conquers all. if a man loves you it will show in his physical appearance, it will show in his finance, it will show in his energy around you. I know celebrities’ marriages crash on daily basis. In fact, every marriage has its problems, so there is no particular approach to solve the marriage problem. I know my marriage would work. Although anyone with marital problems can come to me I would be glad to counsel them with wisdom rather than fighting dirty on social media. Well, on the other hand, celebrities fighting on social media is fun though it keeps us entertained.”

On her New Year resolution, the Delta State-born Script Interpreter stated the few areas she would love to make amends in her life.

“My New Year resolution is to be more loving to those around me. I have been much of a person who likes to mind her business. But this year, I want to be more thoughtful of others and show love to them. This 2022, I also want to make more movies and start up my own production company. 2021, came with its lessons including determining to be happy no matter the outcome and it taught me not to ever give up. So, I’ll be taking my career to greater heights this year,” she said.

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