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“How Jesus nonchalantly stood aside and watched the host of hell come for me” – Bovi recalls his battle with two powerful enemies

Bovi recalls how Jesus stood aside

Nigerian comedian cum actor Bovi Ugboma has shared the story of his life with his battle with powerful enemies.

Taking to his Instagram page, he recounted how Jesus nonchalantly stood aside and watched the host of hell come for him. He revealed that he once had two very powerful enemies, one man and one woman. He stated that he will withhold their identities for the safety of his loves ones that may not be fortified.

Bovi disclosed that he thought he could go through life without having enemies, now, he has leaned the hard way that if one don’t come for them, they will come for you. According to him, his male enemy suffered from the spirit of covetousness as everything he owned, the enemy wanted. His female enemy, on her part, suffered from the spirit of jealousy that whatever he aimed to get, she would kill to have it.

To show how much his female enemy despise him, she took an opportunity that was meant for him and gave it to his male enemy. That was the first time they were coming together to attack him but he wasn’t surprised. He put the disappointment past him and wrote a text to the two of them.

“How Jesus nonchalantly stood aside and watched the host of hell come for me.

I once had two very powerful enemies. One Man and one woman. I will withhold their identities for the safety of my loved ones that may not be fortified. As for me, I don’t need any protection, I’m charmed as I have come to find out.

I thought I could go through life without having enemies. I’ve learned the hard way that if you don’t come for them, they will come for you. Nothing stays the same.

My male enemy suffered from the spirit of covetousness. Everything I owned, he wanted. It became so bad that I pretended to like shit so he fell in love with shit and he became full of shit.

My female enemy suffered from the spirit of jealousy. She was so jealous that whatever I aimed to get, if she was in the room, she would kill it. She had a very demonic persuasion that convinced angels God sent to help me.
My offense; I was light, she was darkness.

So one day, she took an opportunity meant for me and gave it to him. It was the first time, they were coming together to attack me even though he were never friends in the first place. But I wasn’t surprised cos you know what they say; the enemy if my enemy is my friend.

I put my disappointment past me and wrote a text to two of them. Though their sins were different, the same message sufficed for both of them. I said “I see you and all you do. Don’t stop till you dance naked in the market.

Read the rest below,

A few weeks back, gospel singer, Buchi Atuonwu had recalled how he almost lost his life by firing squad. He narrated how God came through for him, revealing that at a point in his life, he was lined up for execution when he cried out to God to save his life, promising to serve him. God granted him his desire and since then, he has devoted his life to serving God.

Last year, Yul Edochie revealed how God saved his life in 2019 after a ghastly car accident, disclosing that he died after the accident, but God gave him a second life.

Following his return to life, the actor announced his calling into Ministry, and had launched his online church where he held two services before he closed it down.

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