Entertainment News

Bold Pinky replies Mimi Orjiekwe, makes dirty revelations about her lifestyle

The fight between Nollywood actress, Mimi Orjiekwe and controversial social media star, Bold Pinky on Instagram over a post is really getting messier.

After Mimi called Bold Pinky out for making a post calling her a local girl, the quite daring Pinky has responded.

She wrote: “You this old cargo. If you used the energy you used to Photoshop my picture to put in your failed marriage, your jigolo husband wouldn’t have gone to impregnate 3 different women. Maybe you were boring in bed, or maybe you snored all night, or maybe your pussy is wider than the gates of hell. That’s why your husband abandoned you to go and fuck outside wedlock. Reply me now let me attack you more and unleash my anger on you.! Miserable bitch! I know the men you are doing runs with. I will put their names on my next post just get ready bitch! You stepped on ther tail of a tiger @mimiorjiekweng “.

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