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IVD’s Saga: Blessing CEO not a therapist and not abiding to psychotherapy – Solomon Buchi

Life coach and writer, Solomon Buchi has weigh in on the drama trending on social media involving self-acclaimed relationship expert, Blessing CEO and celebrity, auto dealer Ikechukwu Darry Ogbonna better known as IVD.

Blessing CEO took to her now deactivated Instagram page to meddle into the issue of domestic violence that occurred between IVD and his late wife, Bimbo.

Bimbo’s death

Kemi Filani reported that Bimbo passed away on Saturday 15th October after she burnt down their Lagos mansion following series of domestic violence with her husband, IVD.

Her elder sister, Mama Jazz took to social media to announce her demise. She also called out IVD for killing Bimbo.

She wrote: “My hands are shaking Bimbo is gone. Bimbo is gone- My sister is gone. The fire is burning me Haaaaaaa. IVD you killed my only sister. Abimbola IVD killed my sister, IVD killed my sister, IVD killed my sister”.

Oyindamola Martins digs into cause of death

Oyindamola Martins, the younger brother of Bimbo took to his Instagram page to make series of revelation about the death of his sister.

Accoording to Oyindamola explained the genesis of the relationship between his sister and IVD and how the her family tired to seperate them.

He explained that they started dating when she was eighteen years old and she dropped out of school because of him and gave him all her school fees.All efforts to separate them were to no avail. At a point, IVD was locked up while the family begged him to leave Bimbo alone. He however disagreed and got her pregnant instead.

He wrote: “We did everything did matter didn’t start from now it started from when she was 18years dropping out of school and giving him all her school fees was just a kid then she’s older than me with 10years we locked him up offered to pay him to stay away from her he did not agree till he got her pregnant we took her to another state he sent her a message that he was going to die if she didn’t come back she ran from abj to Lagos we still took her to rehab.

“The truth is she been in this since she was 18years we are suspecting they took a blood convent cause she kept running back to him. Ivd is known for busting different herbalist I have proof too.

“I have explained countless on this comment section how do you think an entire family would just watch one of us suffer, we took her to rehab took her to another state we locked him up, she stole from us to feed him when he had no money she was 18 when she ran out of the house with him.

“Funny how we did this lol Abimbola how were you this stupidly in love ?she dropped out of school and gave this fool all her school fees”.

Blessing CEO’s dramatic involvement

Blessing CEO took to her now deactivated Instagram page to share evidence to dispute the claims that IVD physically assaulted and killed his wife.

Blessing CEO spilled on how the deceased’s family are fighting for IVD’s wealth.According to her, the family of late Bimbo is after IVD’s properties and life, especially her elder sister, Mama Jazz.

Blessing stated that the late Bimbo was the violent person and suicidal victim.“The family of late Bimbo is after IVDs properties and life. Especially her elder sister mamajazz. Bimbo and IVD are well known people in Lagos and it’s not a hidden fact that even in their estate that Bimbo is violent. Everybody knows how she breaks bottle on her husband’s head on a daily…. bimbo killed herself and has always wanted to kill herself right from childhood. Evidence loading”.

“I will ask mamajazz the late bimbo’s sister few questions…. Where you in talking terms with your sister before died? Are you oweing your late sister 18 million? Did she block you before her death? Do you even like your sisters children?? Answers this question because I will slam the internet with raw fact and evidence.

I am stepping into the case as the official relationship therapist of IVD… will drop all the evidence that IVD did not kill his wife or even hurt her. The late Bimbo was the violent person and suicidal victim….Blessing CEO added,“Another evidence of IVD carrying his wife with his bear hands with fire burning him. It was IVD that took his wife to the swimming pool to quench the fire that his late wife lifted on her body with fuel… This man burnt himself to save her… evidence”.

Solomon Buchi weigh in on IVD’s Saga

According to Buchi, Blessing CEO is not a relationship expert nor therapist so she has no business involving herself in the IVD’s saga.

He also said it seems Blessing CEO misses jail because all her clout chasing could land her in trouble and send her to jail.

He wrote: “Blessing CEO is making mockery of what it means to be a therapist. She’s taking the role of a lawyer. In her words: “I’m stepping into this case as the official relationship therapist of IVD.” Stepping into what? I pray she doesn’t get into trouble. Seems like she misses jail.

“She’s not a therapist and she’s not abiding to any of psychotherapy, counseling or coaching. If you’ve ever had professional therapethicsy, you’ll know that she is self-styled and badly so. Therapy isn’t having a relationship page where you post people’s issues. No.

“In sane climes, she would definitely be shut off by regulatory bodies. We don’t have any sense of regulation with therapy in Nigeria. IVD doesn’t even know his right. She shouldn’t be defending him. Gosh. It makes it even more suspicious. Get a lawyer!

“I don’t know what happened between Bimbo and IVD. It seemed like a marriage with mutually toxic partners, however, social media is not court of law. The case is dicey, because she’s dead. Blessing should tread carefully. The law is not emotional.

“This is a whole case of alleged killing as a result of domestic violence. It’s not some civil case. These cases can be complex. Blessing CEO doesn’t have friends? Hmm! Even her grandmother, Kemi, would do a bit better. Even if she has evidence, she can ruin the case. Advise her.

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