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BBNaija star, Kim Oprah blasts women on Instagram | See why

Kim Oprah blasts women on Instagram

Following the trending women supporting women challenge on Instagram, BBNaija star, Kim Oprah has taken to her Instagram story to blast and condemn women jumping on the challenge by posting a white and black picture.

According to the model, she hopes all the women jumping on the challenge are truly supporting their fellow women. Kim added that women often get carried away with gossips and different challenges that they forget to support each other.

Read all she wrote below;

See how Nigerians are reacting to what Kim said;

@lady_kaydee_ wrote “If this post isn’t the negativity itself being depicted I don’t know what else is. So long as we women continue to feed ourselves and the world with this stereotype, this narrative will continue to thrive. If you support the above write up then it’s time for you to look inward and ask yourself real questions after all you are a woman too. Questions like; Am I really a supportive woman, do I uplift fellow women, do I promote their businesses, do I build them up and show empathy, appreciate them show them compassion etc. if after this your response is in the affirmative then you wouldn’t be bitter about the #womensupportingwomen hashtag. However if your answer is in the negative, then yes, you would be very capable of relating with this post. Y’all need to stop with this blanket castigation and/or condemnation of a whole sex, are there some vile, mean women yes there are, and there are women who are freaking amazing and do wonderful things for each other why can’t we quietly celebrate each other today and promote this narrative which can possibly evoke change without this cloak of negativity.”

ouchcleo wrote “She same the truth… Every thing is for the gram… Social media will not destroy us in this life… I don’t even bother my life posting pix anymore… two my friends that have tagged me. Una go wait tire…”

chineelicious_cee wrote “Yes, true that! But if you truly support your fellow women without hassles, you will proudly join the challenge without thinking twice…”

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