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Annie Idibia makes deep promise to her mother in touching birthday note (Video)

Annie Idibia

Nollywood actress and entrepreneur Annie Macaulay Idibia has made a promise to her mother in celebration of her birthday.

The mother of three, Grace Essien, clocked a new age yesterday, October 1st and received love from her daughter.

Annie makes a big promise

Describing her mother as a rare gem, Annie Idibia promised to tick all on her bucket list and to show her the world.

Annie Idibia revealed that her mother is her best friend, her only gossip partner, and everything.

Annie appreciated her for being there for her, her loving heart, always letting love and peace lead and most especially, for having a forgiving heart.

“Happy Birthday to the best mother, best grandma…. Best mother in-law ever liveth!!! Your son song “Unconditional Love” says it all!! Thank you for always being there…Thank you for giving my kids, the best grandma ever… Thank you for loving heart… For always letting love n peace lead…you are a rare gem! My kids, my husband….we are all sooooo blessed to have you… You always put us n our needs before yours… Your!!! Forgiving heart is RARE!!!

In Aladdin voice “I will show you the world”. I promise you I will tick all your bucket list… I promise you my bestie, my only gossip party…my everything… I love you so much sister! Mbok make a wish…and I will do it! N more.

Eka Annie!! A mi so adiaga Grace!! We love you Happy birthday sister. Yes we grew up calling our mom sister cos all her siblings called her that!!……”.

Nigerians raise concern for Annie Idibia’s mum following family drama

In April, Nigerians raised concern for the actress’s mum who had to put up with her children’s unending drama on social media.

There was no doubt that her mother Grace Essein went through a lot as her three children were torn apart.

Firstly, Annie Idibia’s immediate elder brother, Uduak Macaulay, publicly disowned her; her son-in-law’s youngest brother, Charles Idibia, called her several unprintable names and her eldest son, Wisdom Macaulay and Annie Idibia were at war.

Following the unending drama, Nigerians supported the single mother of three who had to clean up her grown kid’s mess.

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