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“My overly talented, brilliant daughter” Annie Idibia expresses pride in her daughter over her academic grades in the UK

Annie Idibia praises daughter

Proud mother, Annie Idibia has expressed pride in her first child over her academic grades in the UK.

The proud mother of two while sharing a video collage of her mini-me, expressed how proud she and her husband, 2baba are of her amazing grades in school.

The movie star went on to rain compliments on her daughter as she praised her for being selfless, humble, loving, and having the heart of an angel.

Describing her as her good luck charm, she hailed her for being overly talented and brilliant.

“My sunshine,
My first seed
My good luck charm.
My overly talented brilliant daughter.

I love you. We miss you.

We are so proud of all your WINS!! Especially with your amazing grade in school! Continue to stand out my Sunshine. Heart of an angel, selfless, humble n totally loving”.

“She had the highest score in maths in her UK school” Annie Idibia brags about daughter, Isabella

In December, while celebrating Isabella’s 14th birthday, Annie Idibia bragged about her daughter’s intellectual skills.

The actress who is always known to pen emotional messages while celebrating her loved ones, didn’t disappoint us.

In a lengthy post on her Instagram page, Annie expressed how proud she is of her mini-me.

Bragging, Annie revealed that her daughter had the highest score in mathematics in her new UK high school. She also bragged about how her daughter won the best-behaved student award countless times.

Annie Idibia hails first daughter, Isabel

Ever the proud mother, Annie Idibia had once compared Isabella with boys.

Accompanying her daughter to the airport, Annie Idibia shared powerful advice with her.

The proud mother of two described her 13-year-old as 10 boys in one.

Annie revealed that most times, she feels like she doesn’t deserve her.

Expressing how proud she is of her, she advised her to never allow the cruel world to take away all the love she has inside.

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