Entertainment News

Akpororo buys friend’s dad a car

Comedian, Akpororo has reportedly purchased a new car for his friend’s dad. According to the comedian, the elderly man was like a father to him many years ago, prompting him to purchase the Toyota Muscle to show his appreciation.

Sharing the video evidence, he wrote;

He’s complaining about TV set but he didn’t know God has a bigger plan for him, he thought I bought the car for myself but little did he know that the car belongs to him. Special introduction #roronation that’s MR OLUWOLE he accepted me with love into his house many years ago when his son (gbenga) brought me to him and I stayed with them for years, thanks for being a FATHER and for believing in me, thanks for allowing God to use you in my life. Please #roronation help me celebrate him. #roroking #irepchrist #mrswag #imjustgettingstarted #nademdeyrushus #everywherestew

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