Entertainment News

African salad hawker goes viral for her creativity

A hawker of African salad popularly known as Abacha in Owerri area of Imo State is currently trending on social media following her creativity in using the food merchandise to make a beautiful design.

The hawker who is said to be heavily pregnant came to limelight following a post from a Facebook user identified as Chinwerenmeri Joy who said she was captivated by the design on the abacha seller’s container but was shocked when the woman came closer as she discovered it wasn’t a design on the container but the creative way the woman had arranged the vegetables for her abacha

She wrote:

She was pregnant..

She was hawking abacha

I saw her from afar ..my eyes were playing “ten ten “with me ..

I admired the plastic container she used ,the colors were beautiful.

She came closer and i looked closely ..

No, it wasn’t a design by the manufacturers ..

She created it herself using sliced onions ,pepper and utazi leaves…

Omg ?, i begged her to take a snap shot..she obliged me

Her creativity wowed me.

I dashed her money to buy herself a can of juice and begged her to find time to rest while she hustles…

She was so excited and took the money with so much appreciation.

Nigerians are very hardworking people …

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