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Actresses refuse to kiss me on set because of my big eyes –Yaw Adu

A Ghanaian actor, Yaw Adu has revealed that his female colleagues in the movie industry refuse to kiss him on set, even when the need arises, because of his big eyes

The actor who claimed that it’s his eyes who brought him to limelight in the industry, and shared his experiences at movie locations during a recent interview.

Speaking to Nana Romeo on Accra Fm, Adu said his ugly face scares most actresses from kissing him in movies, but they prefer kissing the likes of Majid Micheal

He added that even when compelled to kiss him by the director, he is usually left embarrassed as they often dodge him

In his words:

“The only actress I have kissed wasn’t a star but I later had an opportunity to kiss Vivian Jill in a movie, which she needed a child and I had to sleep with her for her to conceive but she later turned me down and dodged me when I tried kissing her.

I did not ask her why she dodged me because I didn’t believe in myself either. Perhaps they think since I have big eyes, I might knock them with it which scares them away.”

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