Entertainment News

Actor Samuel Ajibola aka Spiff gets engaged, shares pre-wedding photos

Actor Samuel Ajibola aka Spiff has announced his engagement to his girlfriend.

This he did by sharing lovely pre-wedding pictures showing him and his bride-to-be in a happy mood.

According to Spiff, he did all he could in search for her all to no avail until he sort after God who led him her way.

He wrote:

“S O U L M A T E :
I’ve always been big on the kind of Soul i would be spending the rest of my Life with as Forever is a Long time to be Miserable with the wrong person . At some point of my adolescence , It became a fervent prayer request when i figured i couldn’t find you myself .

“God answered , and it didn’t take long to confirm you as the woman of my Dreams , My Best friend & the very one that would complement me . I’m completely certain that i have made the Right choice with you because since we met I haven’t spent a day without thinking of you (which is very rare of me) , and i can’t wait to spend the rest of our Lives laughing and Playing like we do Everyday”. 

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