Entertainment News

Actor Mofe Duncan clears air after being accused of purchasing a car on credit

mofe duncan

News of the Actor Mofe Duncan, who purchased a car from a crossdresser called Michelle, has gone viral online, and he has taken to social media to clear the air on the issue.

Nigerian crossdresser called him out to pay for the car he is owing, or he will be exposed.

According to Mofe, the news was shocking and confusing to him as he had been receiving many calls since the incident happened.

On responding to the accusation, he requested the date of the transaction and the amount involved from Michelle.

He wrote:

So I have blocked instablog since 2018, yet people still find ways to screen grab posts about me and send. Many before now I have ignored, but today I have a bit of time. Instablog have failed to verify facts before posting just to drive traffic, but that’s okay… it is what is it. ☆ So I just got off a flight from Lagos to Abuja and I started receiving calls, messages and DMs and trolls calling me debtor and I’m completely confused as to what this is about. • Slide 2 shows the DM between @michellepage.2 and myself… NOTHING. I have not been contacted prior to now, I do not know what I am owing you for or how much. I am not governed by the fear of being on blogs, been there done that have the tee shirt for it, it doesn’t stop me or slow me down. • Just kindly let me know what I am owing you for, how much I am owing you and the date of whatever it is the transaction is because this blog calling doesn’t solve anything. And if your claim is valid, the matter would be resolved and you go about your business. • You haven’t contacted me yet I’m seeing via blog screengrabs that am owing you? HOW? We don’t even follow each other, yet I am owing you? WHEN? I have never seen your page before now (unless you changed your handle), yet am owing you? WHO? ☆

☆ People always say just ignore the blogs, yes good idea… but they fail to realize how hard one works to do good things to make others happy and someone out of nowhere would come and pour sand in your garri. IT’S UNJUST. ☆ @michellepage.2 if you want to talk to me talk to me directly, stop going through the corners. Your move.

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