Entertainment News

Actor Gideon Okeke condemns fashion designer Marc Jacobs and Char DeFrancesco’s wedding

Over the weekend, Designer Marc Jacobs finally married his man, candlemaker Char DeFrancesco in a stars studded wedding that has got tongues wagging.

One of those who couldn’t hide his resentment is Nollywood actor, Gideon Okeke of Tinsel Fame.

According, to Gideon, the world is getting worse by the day as it has openly accpeted sodomy
“You go world…
For the Effeminacy of the Man.
You go world…
For making the word SODOMY seem cool.
You go world…
For negating the order set by The Creator.
The one who makes NO MISTAKES.
You go world…
For serving your protestant agenda to generations unborn. Building a community inside of humanity.
You go world.
But I and my household are NOT of this world.
So we don’t know what Yall be talking ’bout.
YES I SAID IT. (2nd Timothy vs 3)”, he wrote on Instagram.

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