
This Man set his cousin ablaze for wooing his fiancée

The police in Niger State have arrested a 45-year-old man, Baba Mohammed, for allegedly setting his cousin, Usman Tetengi, ablaze for wooing his fiancée in Edo Baba community.

The police said Mohammed had poured petrol on Tetengi while he was sleeping under a tree and went ahead to set him ablaze on June 8. The deceased, who suffered severe burns, later died. .
The Niger State police spokesman, DSP Mohammed Abubakar Dan-Ina, who confirmed the incident, said the suspect confessed to the crime. Mohammed had warned the victim to stop seeing the woman he had proposed to marry, but the victim did not heed to his warning. .
Mohammed confessed that he resorted to the crime because all pleading have proved to no avail declaring that he did not regret his action. .
He said: “I am not regretting my action because if I did not kill him at that particular time, he would have killed me, so let him go in his next world he will not join issues with me again. .
I am not married, I do not care where this case will get to, the most important thing was that I have closed his chapter and stopped him from troubling my life. .
There are other women in our community but he choose to be making advances to the woman I have proposed to marry. No, he has paid dearly to it, it suits him well.”

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