
Lovers’ digest! For the guys only (ladies can take a peep)….

news in nigeria

This week’s episode on KFB Lovers’ digest is a short article on ‘the bride-groom” written by Olufemi Bellos, enjoy:

On the wedding day or shortly before the wedding, the man is called the bridegroom and this is not without its reasons.

Take that word apart and it becomes pretty obvious; he’s meant to be the
bride-GROOM. That’s not just a…ceremonial designation no, it’s
actually a job description. The job of the man is to ‘groom’ his woman.
It subtly connotes an agriculture-inclined activity:
to tend, to care for, to help improve, to supply essentials for growth
and to bring out the best.
The husband is not meant to bear the title ‘bridegroom’ just the wedding
day (and night) alone rather, that is what/who he should be for the
rest of his life! He should never stop
tending, developing, nurturing and inspiring his bride to the fullness
of her

So young Man, before you start
‘delivering your manifesto’, take a good look at your toolbox and ask
yourself ‘is my ‘grooming kit’ complete?”
“What exactly do I have to offer beyond material things?”
“Am I prepared to ‘groom’ this ‘vine’ or am I just craving its fruits?”
And my dear young lady, before you get carried away with whatever you’re
seeing or receiving, ask yourself: “does he have what it takes to help
me become a BETTER PERSON?”.
(Note the question: it’s not just if he can give you better THINGS but if he can help you be a better PERSON).

What is his effect on your PERSON thus far? Are you becoming a better
woman because of your association with him? Is there more clarity in
your life?
More discipline? More kindness?
A better walk with God?

I once had a friend who during her birthday party, talked about how
others had impacted her life and when she got to me, she couldn’t place
what impact I’d had on her. Silly as it may sound, it only left me with two options: I either cut off
that friendship or start working towards being a positive influence on

Whatever the case, whether in a romantic relationship, a close or casual
friendship, evaluate the influence ratio today and act in a fast but wise manner!!!


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