
Incessant grid collapse: justify your decision to increase electricity tariff – experts tell federal government

national grid collapse

Experts within the power sector are urging the administration led by President Bola Tinubu to justify its recent decision to raise electricity tariffs, by ensuring that the national grids are rehabilitated to prevent further collapse.

Following the sixth collapse of the country’s national grid in 2024, which occurred during the early hours of Monday, swathes of the nation, including areas in Lagos and Abuja, experienced a complete blackout.

In discussions with KemiFilani, Kelechukwu Ogu emphasized the need for the federal government to fulfil its commitments to ensuring an improved energy supply for consumers.

“The recurrent grid collapses not only deter investors but also fail to justify the government’s decision to hike electricity tariffs for band A customers,” Mr. Ogu remarked.

Echoing similar sentiments, Shina Emmanuel, an economic expert, pointed out the failure of the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) to effectively manage grid collapses, raising doubts about the government’s justification for tariff increases.

Mr. Emmanuel urged the government to prioritize the rehabilitation of the national grid to prevent future collapses.

“When the tariff increase was announced, it was framed as a means to enhance power supply. However, with the frequent grid failures, Nigerians may perceive this promise as mere lip service. I advise the government to earnestly address grid issues to substantiate its tariff hike decision,” he stated.

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